The Arrival of Cody
August 16, 2023 •Seb & Cody Said

One of the most nerve-wracking parts of the move is over. Sebastian is reunited with his best friend.
Sebastian Said:
We have officially been in Lisbon for two weeks and a day and it still feels like vacation. When we first got here, we were all exhausted because it was an overnight flight. I acted like I was not tired so we walked around the neighborhood and went down to Estrela Gardens. Estrela is the type of place where you can go and get a coffee at like 17:00. It is also a great place to exercise Cody, our dog.
Speaking of Cody, getting him to Lisbon was crazy. We used a pet relocation company, so they knew where he was at all times. He had a day layover in the Frankfurt pet hotel then flew out to Lisbon the next day. The night he was in Frankfurt, I could not sleep because I was worried that he would bite his handler and then they would send him back. Luckily, he was fine. Getting him through customs was the next big hurdle. The guy who drove us with all our duffles from the airport came with us in his van to pick up Cody. He also acted as a translator as we did/do not speak Portuguese. We went to the cargo building and waited for about 20 minutes before they came out with the paperwork and told us to go to the cargo customs. And of course, it closed 10 minutes before we got there. They told us that we had to go all the way to the passenger terminal. They also said that Cody was back there and they gave him water because they thought he was hot. That really scared us because it made us worry that for some reason we would not be able to get him out tonight.
So we got in the car and drove to the customs. After we got the paperwork we went back and told them and they said he would be out in a minute. The next thing we know, he is being wheeled out on a forklift crying because he’s so happy to see us. After we found him some grass (it’s not easy) he peed for like 2 minutes straight. Crisis averted.
The next day, we pretty much spent half the day in IKEA, eating Swedish meatballs and finding a bed and couch which would not arrive until 4 days after we moved into our unfinished apartment. Oh yeah, we got an apartment. Well, that’s pretty much it.
Cody Said:
First of all, I would like to go on record and say that at the time of departure, I was 63.3 pounds, not 67 pounds like my people keep telling everyone. I mean, I have a double coat people. I can’t help it if my butt is big!
So, let's talk cargo.
Anyone ever ride cargo?
I didn't think so.
First, one of my favorite people (Uncle Andre, you know who you are) drops me off in this strange place with strange people, with strange noises, and a VERY strange crate that Sebastian and Caitlin decorated for me with metal tins and some plastic tube that hamsters drink water out of. Did someone tell them I was a hamster?
Second, there was A LOT of movement and vehicles I've never seen before (boy do I miss the Subaru already).
Forklifts, airplanes, vans, trucks, cars, bikes…. Well, maybe not bikes but I’m going for dramatic here.
Then, all of a sudden, I feel like I’m flying through the air. My ears pop, my pee dribbles, and I’m like, “Heeeeellllo, what the heck is going on, and where the heck are we going people?”
Then we do this thing people call landing (not fun) and someone finally lets me out. I don’t like this person. Or any of these people. In fact, where are MY people? I have some choice words for them when I see them again. Especially that Sebastian kid.
Ok, so these strange people let me out into my own kennel space. I bark at them. Obviously. Then, finally, something I recognize. DINNER. Hallelujah. Ok, eat, poop, sleep. Not really sure I slept because I needed to keep one eye open on these strange people.
Then, wouldn’t you know it, we went through it all over again the next day and that strange thing called an airplane took off again!
Can I just say that landing as a dog in cargo isn’t as nice as what I imagine landing as a human feels like.
I mean, the water splashes everywhere, my face smashes up against the crate, and I’m like “SSSSSLLLLLOOOOWWW DOWN!”
Next, you guessed it, I was forklifted again and in some weird warehouse. Here I wait. And I wait. And I wait. Then, I wait some more. Anyone want to throw this guy some water and maybe an antler?
Then, all of a sudden, I see, smell, and hear my people. I can't wait until they hear my story. I’m pissed at them but I’m so relieved to smell them. So relieved I think I’ll cry and whine and maybe pee a little just to make them feel really bad about putting me through this.
I lick and lick and lick and get all the belly rubs I’ve missed for days. Daddy takes me to pee and it’s like I haven’t peed in a week! It just keeps going and going and going. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I’m not that good at lifting my leg. Yeah, I squat to pee. Often. Whatever, it’s fine. Don’t judge until you see how hard that leg lift thing is!
Ok, so now I’m with my people but where the heck are we? There are so many cars, so many people, and wait… what? I have to get into an elevator? Right, I remember this. Mommy and Lauren practiced this with me in Boulder. But, no one has cheese like they did when we practiced. I’m getting robbed here!
So, fine, I get into the elevator and we’re in someone else’s house. It’s pretty darn small but my people give me water and so much love, I don’t really care. I am so tired.
But, I really have to poop.
Ok, so, here’s the kicker. There’s like no grass anywhere. We walk and walk and walk. Finally, I’m done with the walking and just stop to pee and poop, right there on the sidewalk! And get this, my people are so excited I pooped on the sidewalk. It’s like I won the dog show! Things just keep getting stranger and stranger. But ok, I pooped on cobblestone. Big deal.
Near this place we're staying there is a dog park. Each time my people walk me, we head straight there (it's like 1/2 mile away) but I hold it until we get there because there is grass! Ahhhh. I can squat in peace.
And, wait until you hear what Seb taught me at the dog park… in my next blog! Stay tuned!